Lattice land propagators completion library
lala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator > Member List

This is the complete list of members for lala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >, including all inherited members.

A typedeflala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
AE typedeflala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
allocator_type typedeflala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
ask(const A &a) constlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inline
ask_type typedeflala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
Bicond typedeflala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
Conj typedeflala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
contradeduce(A &a) constlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inline
deduce(A &a) constlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inline
deinterpret(const A &a, const Env &env, AType apc, Allocator2 allocator=Allocator2()) constlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inline
Disj typedeflala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
embed(A &a, const U &u) constlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inline
Eq typedeflala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
Formula classlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >friend
Formula()=defaultlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
Formula(this_type &&)=defaultlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
Formula(const Formula< A2, Alloc2 > &other, const Allocator &allocator=Allocator())lala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inline
Gt typedeflala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
IAElala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >static
IBicondlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >static
IConjlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >static
IDisjlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >static
IEqlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >static
IFalselala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >static
IGtlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >static
IImplylala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >static
ILeqlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >static
Imply typedeflala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
INeqlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >static
INVarLitlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >static
IPVarLitlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >static
is(size_t kind) constlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inline
ITruelala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >static
IXorlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >static
kind() constlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inline
length() constlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inline
Leq typedeflala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
make(SubFormula &&sub_formula)lala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inlinestatic
make_abstract_element(tell_type &&tellv, tell_type &&not_tellv, ask_type &&askv, ask_type &&not_askv)lala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inlinestatic
make_bicond(this_ptr &&left, this_ptr &&right)lala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inlinestatic
make_conj(this_ptr &&left, this_ptr &&right)lala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inlinestatic
make_disj(this_ptr &&left, this_ptr &&right)lala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inlinestatic
make_eq(term_type &&left, term_type &&right)lala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inlinestatic
make_false()lala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inlinestatic
make_gt(term_type &&left, term_type &&right)lala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inlinestatic
make_imply(this_ptr &&left, this_ptr &&right)lala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inlinestatic
make_leq(term_type &&left, term_type &&right)lala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inlinestatic
make_neq(term_type &&left, term_type &&right)lala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inlinestatic
make_nvarlit(const AVar &avar)lala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inlinestatic
make_pvarlit(const AVar &avar)lala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inlinestatic
make_true()lala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inlinestatic
make_xor(this_ptr &&left, this_ptr &&right)lala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inlinestatic
nask(const A &a) constlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inline
Neq typedeflala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
NVarLit typedeflala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
operator=(this_type &&)=defaultlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
print(const A &a) constlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inline
project(const A &a, U &r) constlala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >inline
PVarLit typedeflala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
tell_type typedeflala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
term_type typedeflala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
this_ptr typedeflala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
this_type typedeflala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
U typedeflala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >
Xor typedeflala::pc::Formula< AD, Allocator >