Lattice Land Powerdomains Library
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright 2022 Pierre Talbot
6 #include "battery/vector.hpp"
7 #include "battery/shared_ptr.hpp"
8 #include "lala/logic/logic.hpp"
9 #include "lala/universes/arith_bound.hpp"
10 #include "lala/abstract_deps.hpp"
11 #include "lala/vstore.hpp"
13 #include "split_strategy.hpp"
15 namespace lala {
16 template <class A, class S, class Allocator> class SearchTree;
17 namespace impl {
18  template <class>
19  struct is_search_tree_like {
20  static constexpr bool value = false;
21  };
22  template<class A, class S, class Alloc>
23  struct is_search_tree_like<SearchTree<A, S, Alloc>> {
24  static constexpr bool value = true;
25  };
26 }
28 template <class A, class Split, class Allocator = typename A::allocator_type>
29 class SearchTree {
30 public:
31  using allocator_type = Allocator;
32  using sub_allocator_type = typename A::allocator_type;
33  using split_type = Split;
34  using branch_type = typename split_type::branch_type;
35  using universe_type = typename A::universe_type;
36  using local_universe = typename universe_type::local_type;
37  using sub_type = A;
38  using sub_ptr = abstract_ptr<sub_type>;
39  using split_ptr = abstract_ptr<split_type>;
42  constexpr static const bool is_abstract_universe = false;
43  constexpr static const bool sequential = sub_type::sequential;
44  constexpr static const bool is_totally_ordered = false;
45  constexpr static const bool preserve_bot = true;
46  constexpr static const bool preserve_top = true;
47  // The next properties should be checked more seriously, relying on the sub-domain might be uneccessarily restrictive.
48  constexpr static const bool preserve_join = sub_type::preserve_join;
49  constexpr static const bool preserve_meet = sub_type::preserve_meet;
50  constexpr static const bool injective_concretization = sub_type::injective_concretization;
51  constexpr static const bool preserve_concrete_covers = sub_type::preserve_concrete_covers;
52  constexpr static const char* name = "SearchTree";
54  template <class Alloc>
55  struct tell_type {
56  typename A::template tell_type<Alloc> sub_tell;
57  typename split_type::template tell_type<Alloc> split_tell;
58  CUDA tell_type(const Alloc& alloc = Alloc{}): sub_tell(alloc), split_tell(alloc) {}
59  tell_type(const tell_type&) = default;
60  tell_type(tell_type&&) = default;
61  tell_type& operator=(tell_type&&) = default;
62  tell_type& operator=(const tell_type&) = default;
64  template <class SearchTreeTellType>
65  CUDA NI tell_type(const SearchTreeTellType& other, const Alloc& alloc = Alloc{})
66  : sub_tell(other.sub_tell, alloc), split_tell(other.split_tell, alloc)
67  {}
69  using allocator_type = Alloc;
71  return sub_tell.get_allocator();
72  }
74  template <class Alloc2>
75  friend class tell_type;
76  };
78  template<class Alloc>
79  using ask_type = typename A::template ask_type<Alloc>;
82  template <class A2, class S2, class Alloc2>
83  friend class SearchTree;
85 private:
86  AType atype;
87  // `a` reflects the current node of the search tree being refined and expanded.
88  // If the search tree is `top` (i.e., empty), then `a` is equal to `nullptr`.
89  sub_ptr a;
90  split_ptr split;
91  battery::vector<branch_type, allocator_type> stack;
92  using sub_snapshot_type = sub_type::template snapshot_type<allocator_type>;
93  using split_snapshot_type = split_type::template snapshot_type<allocator_type>;
94  using root_type = battery::tuple<sub_snapshot_type, split_snapshot_type>;
95  root_type root;
97  // Tell formulas (and strategies) to be added to root on backtracking.
98  struct root_tell_type {
99  battery::vector<typename A::template tell_type<allocator_type>, allocator_type> sub_tells;
100  battery::vector<typename split_type::template tell_type<allocator_type>, allocator_type> split_tells;
101  CUDA root_tell_type(const allocator_type& alloc): sub_tells(alloc), split_tells(alloc) {}
102  template <class RootTellType>
103  CUDA root_tell_type(const RootTellType& other, const allocator_type& alloc)
104  : sub_tells(other.sub_tells, alloc), split_tells(other.split_tells, alloc) {}
105  };
106  root_tell_type root_tell;
108 public:
109  CUDA SearchTree(AType uid, sub_ptr a, split_ptr split, const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type())
110  : atype(uid)
111  , a(std::move(a))
112  , split(std::move(split))
113  , stack(alloc)
114  , root(battery::make_tuple(this->a->snapshot(alloc), this->split->snapshot(alloc)))
115  , root_tell(alloc)
116  {}
118  template<class A2, class S2, class Alloc2, class... Allocators>
119  CUDA NI SearchTree(const SearchTree<A2, S2, Alloc2>& other, AbstractDeps<Allocators...>& deps)
120  : atype(other.atype)
121  , a(deps.template clone<sub_type>(other.a))
122  , split(deps.template clone<split_type>(other.split))
123  , stack(other.stack, deps.template get_allocator<allocator_type>())
124  , root(
125  sub_snapshot_type(battery::get<0>(other.root), deps.template get_allocator<allocator_type>()),
126  split_snapshot_type(battery::get<1>(other.root), deps.template get_allocator<allocator_type>()))
127  , root_tell(other.root_tell, deps.template get_allocator<allocator_type>())
128  {}
130  CUDA AType aty() const {
131  return atype;
132  }
135  return stack.get_allocator();
136  }
138  CUDA local::B is_singleton() const {
139  return stack.empty() && bool(a);
140  }
142  CUDA local::B is_top() const {
143  // We need short-circuit using && due to `a` possibly a null pointer.
144  return is_singleton() && a->is_top();
145  }
147  CUDA local::B is_bot() const {
148  return !bool(a);
149  }
151  template <class Alloc2>
152  struct snapshot_type {
153  using sub_snap_type = sub_type::template snapshot_type<Alloc2>;
154  using split_snap_type = split_type::template snapshot_type<Alloc2>;
164  template <class SnapshotType>
165  CUDA snapshot_type(const SnapshotType& other, const Alloc2& alloc = Alloc2())
166  : sub_snap(other.sub_snap, alloc)
167  , split_snap(other.split_snap, alloc)
168  , sub(other.sub)
169  {}
172  : sub_snap(std::move(sub_snap))
173  , split_snap(std::move(split_snap))
174  , sub(sub)
175  {}
176  };
178  template <class Alloc2 = allocator_type>
179  CUDA snapshot_type<Alloc2> snapshot(const Alloc2& alloc = Alloc2()) const {
180  assert(is_singleton());
181  return snapshot_type<Alloc2>(a->snapshot(alloc), split->snapshot(alloc), a);
182  }
184  template <class Alloc2>
185  CUDA void restore(const snapshot_type<Alloc2>& snap) {
186  a = snap.sub;
187  a->restore(snap.sub_snap);
188  split->restore(snap.split_snap);
189  stack.clear();
190  root = battery::make_tuple(
191  a->snapshot(get_allocator()),
192  split->snapshot(get_allocator()));
193  root_tell = root_tell_type(get_allocator());
194  }
196 public:
197  template <bool diagnose = false, class F, class Env, class Alloc2>
198  CUDA NI bool interpret_tell(const F& f, Env& env, tell_type<Alloc2>& tell, IDiagnostics& diagnostics) const {
199  assert(!is_bot());
200  if( && f.esig() == "search") {
201  return split->template interpret_tell<diagnose>(f, env, tell.split_tell, diagnostics);
202  }
203  else {
204  return a->template interpret_tell<diagnose>(f, env, tell.sub_tell, diagnostics);
205  }
206  }
208  template <bool diagnose = false, class F, class Env, class Alloc2>
209  CUDA NI bool interpret_ask(const F& f, Env& env, ask_type<Alloc2>& ask, IDiagnostics& diagnostics) const {
210  assert(!is_bot());
211  return a->template interpret_ask<diagnose>(f, env, ask, diagnostics);
212  }
214  template <IKind kind, bool diagnose = false, class F, class Env, class I>
215  CUDA NI bool interpret(const F& f, Env& env, I& intermediate, IDiagnostics& diagnostics) const {
216  if constexpr(kind == IKind::TELL) {
217  return interpret_tell<diagnose>(f, env, intermediate, diagnostics);
218  }
219  else {
220  return interpret_ask<diagnose>(f, env, intermediate, diagnostics);
221  }
222  }
224 private:
225  template <class Alloc>
226  CUDA local::B deduce_current(const tell_type<Alloc>& t) {
227  local::B has_changed = a->deduce(t.sub_tell);
228  has_changed |= split->deduce(t.split_tell);
229  return has_changed;
230  }
232 public:
233  template <class Alloc>
234  CUDA local::B deduce(const tell_type<Alloc>& t) {
235  if(!is_bot()) {
236  if(!is_singleton()) {
237  // We will add `t` to root when we backtrack (see `pop`) and have a chance to modify the root node.
238  root_tell.sub_tells.push_back(t.sub_tell);
239  root_tell.split_tells.push_back(t.split_tell);
240  }
241  // Nevertheless, the rest of the subtree to be explored is still updated with `t`.
242  return deduce_current(t);
243  }
244  return false;
245  }
247  /** The deduction of `a` and `split` is not done here, and if needed, should be done before calling this method.
248  * This deduction operator performs one iteration of \f$ \mathit{pop} \circ \mathit{push} \circ \mathit{split} \f$.
249  * In short, it initializes `a` to the next node of the search tree.
250  * If we observe `a` from the outside of this domain, `a` can backtrack, and therefore does not always evolve extensively and monotonically.
251  * Nevertheless, the deduction operator of the search tree abstract domain is extensive and monotonic (if split is) over the search tree. */
252  CUDA bool deduce() {
253  return pop(push(split->split()));
254  }
256  template <class ExtractionStrategy = NonAtomicExtraction>
257  CUDA bool is_extractable(const ExtractionStrategy& strategy = ExtractionStrategy()) const {
258  return !is_bot() && a->is_extractable(strategy);
259  }
261  /** Extract an under-approximation if the last node popped \f$ a \f$ is an under-approximation.
262  * If `B` is a search tree, the under-approximation consists in a search tree \f$ \{a\} \f$ with a single node, in that case, `ua` must be different from `bot`. */
263  template <class B>
264  CUDA void extract(B& ua) const {
265  if constexpr(impl::is_search_tree_like<B>::value) {
266  assert(bool(ua.a));
267  a->extract(*ua.a);
268  ua.stack.clear();
269  ua.root_tell.sub_tells.clear();
270  ua.root_tell.split_tells.clear();
271  }
272  else {
273  a->extract(ua);
274  }
275  }
277  /** If the search tree is empty (\f$ \top \f$), we return \f$ \top_U \f$.
278  * If the search tree consists of a single node \f$ \{a\} \f$, we return the projection of `x` in that node.
279  * Projection in a search tree with multiple nodes is currently not supported (assert false). */
280  CUDA local_universe project(AVar x) const {
281  if(is_bot()) {
282  return local_universe::bot();
283  }
284  else {
285  if(is_singleton()) {
286  return a->project(x);
287  }
288  else {
289  assert(false);
290  return local_universe::top();
291  /** The problem with the method below is that we need to modify `a`, so project is not const anymore.
292  * That might be problematic to modify `a` for a projection if it is currently being refined...
293  * Perhaps need to copy `a` (inefficient), or request a projection in the snapshot directly. */
294  // a->restore(root);
295  // local_universe u = a->project(x);
296  // BInc has_changed = BInc::bot();
297  // replay(has_changed);
298  // return u;
299  }
300  }
301  }
303  template <class Univ>
304  CUDA void project(AVar x, Univ& r) const {
305  if(is_bot()) {
306  return r.meet_bot();
307  }
308  else {
309  if(is_singleton()) {
310  a->project(x, r);
311  }
312  else {
313  assert(false);
314  }
315  }
316  }
318  /** \return the current depth of the search tree. The root node has a depth of 0. */
319  CUDA size_t depth() const {
320  return stack.size();
321  }
323 private:
324  /** \return `true` if the current node is pruned, and `false` if a new branch was pushed. */
325  CUDA bool push(branch_type&& branch) {
326  if(branch.size() > 0) {
327  if(is_singleton()) {
328  root = battery::make_tuple(
329  a->snapshot(get_allocator()),
330  split->snapshot(get_allocator()));
331  }
332  stack.push_back(std::move(branch));
333  return false;
334  }
335  return true;
336  }
338  /** If the current node was pruned, we need to backtrack, otherwise we just consider the next node along the branch. */
339  CUDA bool pop(bool pruned) {
340  if(!pruned) {
341  return commit_left();
342  }
343  else {
344  bool has_changed = backtrack();
345  has_changed |= commit_right();
346  return has_changed;
347  }
348  }
350  /** Given the current node, commit to the node on the left.
351  * If we are on the root node, we save a snapshot of root before committing to the left node. */
352  CUDA bool commit_left() {
353  assert(bool(a));
354  return a->deduce(stack.back().next());
355  }
357  /** We explore the next node of the search tree available (after we backtracked, so it cannot be a left node). */
358  CUDA bool commit_right() {
359  if(!stack.empty()) {
360  assert(bool(a));
361  stack.back().next();
362  return replay();
363  }
364  return false;
365  }
367  /** Goes from the current node to root. */
368  CUDA bool backtrack() {
369  while(!stack.empty() && !stack.back().has_next()) {
370  stack.pop_back();
371  }
372  if(!stack.empty()) {
373  a->restore(battery::get<0>(root));
374  split->restore(battery::get<1>(root));
375  return deduce_root();
376  }
377  else if(a) {
378  a = nullptr;
379  return true;
380  }
381  return false;
382  }
384  /** We do not always have access to the root node, so formulas that are added to the search tree are kept in `root_tell`.
385  * During backtracking, root is available through `a`, and we add to root the formulas stored until now, so they become automatically available to the remaining nodes in the search tree. */
386  CUDA bool deduce_root() {
387  bool has_changed = false;
388  if(root_tell.sub_tells.size() > 0 || root_tell.split_tells.size() > 0) {
389  for(int i = 0; i < root_tell.sub_tells.size(); ++i) {
390  has_changed |= a->deduce(root_tell.sub_tells[i]);
391  }
392  for(int i = 0; i < root_tell.split_tells.size(); ++i) {
393  has_changed |= split->deduce(root_tell.split_tells[i]);
394  }
395  root_tell.sub_tells.clear();
396  root_tell.split_tells.clear();
397  // A new snapshot is necessary since we modified `a` and `split`.
398  root = battery::make_tuple(
399  a->snapshot(get_allocator()),
400  split->snapshot(get_allocator()));
401  }
402  return has_changed;
403  }
405  /** Goes from `root` to the new node to be explored. */
406  CUDA bool replay() {
407  bool has_changed = false;
408  for(int i = 0; i < stack.size(); ++i) {
409  has_changed |= a->deduce(stack[i].current());
410  }
411  return has_changed;
412  }
413 };
415 }
417 #endif
Definition: search_tree.hpp:29
CUDA size_t depth() const
Definition: search_tree.hpp:319
typename A::template ask_type< Alloc > ask_type
Definition: search_tree.hpp:79
CUDA bool is_extractable(const ExtractionStrategy &strategy=ExtractionStrategy()) const
Definition: search_tree.hpp:257
CUDA local::B is_bot() const
Definition: search_tree.hpp:147
typename A::universe_type universe_type
Definition: search_tree.hpp:35
A sub_type
Definition: search_tree.hpp:37
CUDA void restore(const snapshot_type< Alloc2 > &snap)
Definition: search_tree.hpp:185
CUDA local::B deduce(const tell_type< Alloc > &t)
Definition: search_tree.hpp:234
constexpr static const bool preserve_top
Definition: search_tree.hpp:46
constexpr static const bool preserve_meet
Definition: search_tree.hpp:49
constexpr static const bool injective_concretization
Definition: search_tree.hpp:50
typename split_type::branch_type branch_type
Definition: search_tree.hpp:34
CUDA NI bool interpret_ask(const F &f, Env &env, ask_type< Alloc2 > &ask, IDiagnostics &diagnostics) const
Definition: search_tree.hpp:209
constexpr static const bool preserve_bot
Definition: search_tree.hpp:45
typename A::allocator_type sub_allocator_type
Definition: search_tree.hpp:32
CUDA allocator_type get_allocator() const
Definition: search_tree.hpp:134
constexpr static const bool is_totally_ordered
Definition: search_tree.hpp:44
constexpr static const char * name
Definition: search_tree.hpp:52
CUDA NI bool interpret_tell(const F &f, Env &env, tell_type< Alloc2 > &tell, IDiagnostics &diagnostics) const
Definition: search_tree.hpp:198
CUDA local_universe project(AVar x) const
Definition: search_tree.hpp:280
CUDA AType aty() const
Definition: search_tree.hpp:130
constexpr static const bool preserve_concrete_covers
Definition: search_tree.hpp:51
CUDA NI bool interpret(const F &f, Env &env, I &intermediate, IDiagnostics &diagnostics) const
Definition: search_tree.hpp:215
CUDA void extract(B &ua) const
Definition: search_tree.hpp:264
abstract_ptr< split_type > split_ptr
Definition: search_tree.hpp:39
constexpr static const bool is_abstract_universe
Definition: search_tree.hpp:42
abstract_ptr< sub_type > sub_ptr
Definition: search_tree.hpp:38
constexpr static const bool sequential
Definition: search_tree.hpp:43
Allocator allocator_type
Definition: search_tree.hpp:31
CUDA SearchTree(AType uid, sub_ptr a, split_ptr split, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
Definition: search_tree.hpp:109
CUDA local::B is_top() const
Definition: search_tree.hpp:142
constexpr static const bool preserve_join
Definition: search_tree.hpp:48
CUDA NI SearchTree(const SearchTree< A2, S2, Alloc2 > &other, AbstractDeps< Allocators... > &deps)
Definition: search_tree.hpp:119
CUDA local::B is_singleton() const
Definition: search_tree.hpp:138
typename universe_type::local_type local_universe
Definition: search_tree.hpp:36
CUDA snapshot_type< Alloc2 > snapshot(const Alloc2 &alloc=Alloc2()) const
Definition: search_tree.hpp:179
CUDA bool deduce()
Definition: search_tree.hpp:252
Split split_type
Definition: search_tree.hpp:33
CUDA void project(AVar x, Univ &r) const
Definition: search_tree.hpp:304
Definition: bab.hpp:13
Definition: search_tree.hpp:152
CUDA snapshot_type(const SnapshotType &other, const Alloc2 &alloc=Alloc2())
Definition: search_tree.hpp:165
snapshot_type< Alloc2 > & operator=(snapshot_type< Alloc2 > &&)=default
split_type::template snapshot_type< Alloc2 > split_snap_type
Definition: search_tree.hpp:154
snapshot_type< Alloc2 > & operator=(const snapshot_type< Alloc2 > &)=default
snapshot_type(snapshot_type< Alloc2 > &&)=default
snapshot_type(const snapshot_type< Alloc2 > &)=default
sub_ptr sub
Definition: search_tree.hpp:157
CUDA snapshot_type(sub_snap_type &&sub_snap, split_snap_type &&split_snap, sub_ptr sub)
Definition: search_tree.hpp:171
sub_type::template snapshot_type< Alloc2 > sub_snap_type
Definition: search_tree.hpp:153
sub_snap_type sub_snap
Definition: search_tree.hpp:155
split_snap_type split_snap
Definition: search_tree.hpp:156
Definition: search_tree.hpp:55
tell_type & operator=(const tell_type &)=default
tell_type(tell_type &&)=default
tell_type(const tell_type &)=default
CUDA tell_type(const Alloc &alloc=Alloc{})
Definition: search_tree.hpp:58
split_type::template tell_type< Alloc > split_tell
Definition: search_tree.hpp:57
CUDA NI tell_type(const SearchTreeTellType &other, const Alloc &alloc=Alloc{})
Definition: search_tree.hpp:65
CUDA allocator_type get_allocator() const
Definition: search_tree.hpp:70
tell_type & operator=(tell_type &&)=default
A::template tell_type< Alloc > sub_tell
Definition: search_tree.hpp:56
Alloc allocator_type
Definition: search_tree.hpp:69