Lattice Land Powerdomains Library
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright 2023 Pierre Talbot
6#include "battery/vector.hpp"
7#include "battery/shared_ptr.hpp"
8#include "branch.hpp"
9#include "lala/logic/logic.hpp"
10#include "lala/abstract_deps.hpp"
12namespace lala {
14enum class VariableOrder {
20 // unsupported:
24 // DOM_W_DEG,
25 // RANDOM
28enum class ValueOrder {
29 MIN,
30 MAX,
34 // unsupported:
36 // RANDOM,
37 // MIDDLE,
40template <class A, class Allocator = typename A::allocator_type>
43 using allocator_type = Allocator;
44 using sub_type = A;
45 using sub_allocator_type = typename sub_type::allocator_type;
46 using sub_tell_type = sub_type::template tell_type<allocator_type>;
50 constexpr static const bool is_abstract_universe = false;
51 constexpr static const bool sequential = sub_type::sequential;
52 constexpr static const bool is_totally_ordered = false;
53 constexpr static const bool preserve_bot = true;
54 constexpr static const bool preserve_top = true;
55 // The next properties should be checked more seriously, relying on the sub-domain might be uneccessarily restrictive.
56 constexpr static const bool preserve_join = sub_type::preserve_join;
57 constexpr static const bool preserve_meet = sub_type::preserve_meet;
58 constexpr static const bool injective_concretization = sub_type::injective_concretization;
59 constexpr static const bool preserve_concrete_covers = sub_type::preserve_concrete_covers;
61 constexpr static const char* name = "SplitStrategy";
63 template <class Alloc>
88 /** A split strategy consists of a variable order and value order on a subset of the variables. */
89 template <class Alloc2>
93 battery::vector<AVar, Alloc2> vars;
95 CUDA strategy_type(const Alloc2& alloc = Alloc2{}): var_order(VariableOrder::INPUT_ORDER), val_order(ValueOrder::MIN), vars(alloc) {}
100 CUDA strategy_type(VariableOrder var_order, ValueOrder val_order, battery::vector<AVar, Alloc2>&& vars)
101 : var_order(var_order), val_order(val_order), vars(std::move(vars)) {}
103 using allocator_type = Alloc2;
105 return vars.get_allocator();
106 }
108 template <class StrategyType>
109 CUDA strategy_type(const StrategyType& other, const Alloc2& alloc = Alloc2{})
110 : var_order(other.var_order), val_order(other.val_order), vars(other.vars, alloc) {}
112 template <class Alloc3>
113 friend class strategy_type;
114 };
116 template <class Alloc2>
117 using tell_type = battery::vector<strategy_type<Alloc2>, Alloc2>;
119 template <class A2, class Alloc2>
120 friend class SplitStrategy;
123 using universe_type = typename A::universe_type;
124 using LB = typename universe_type::LB;
125 using UB = typename universe_type::UB;
127 AType atype;
128 abstract_ptr<A> a;
129 battery::vector<strategy_type<allocator_type>, allocator_type> strategies;
130 int current_strategy;
131 int next_unassigned_var;
133 CUDA const battery::vector<AVar, allocator_type>& current_vars() const {
134 return strategies[current_strategy].vars;
135 }
137 CUDA NI void move_to_next_unassigned_var() {
138 while(current_strategy < strategies.size()) {
139 const auto& vars = current_vars();
140 while(next_unassigned_var < vars.size()) {
141 universe_type v{};
142 a->project(vars[next_unassigned_var], v);
143 if(dual<UB>( < v.ub()) {
144 return;
145 }
146 next_unassigned_var++;
147 }
148 current_strategy++;
149 next_unassigned_var = 0;
150 }
151 }
153 template <class MapFunction>
154 CUDA NI AVar var_map_fold_left(const battery::vector<AVar, allocator_type>& vars, MapFunction op) {
155 int i = next_unassigned_var;
156 int best_i = i;
157 auto best = op(a->project(vars[i]));
158 for(++i; i < vars.size(); ++i) {
159 const auto& u = a->project(vars[i]);
160 if(dual<UB>( < u.ub()) {
161 if( {
162 best_i = i;
163 }
164 }
165 }
166 return vars[best_i];
167 }
169 CUDA AVar select_var() {
170 const auto& strat = strategies[current_strategy];
171 const auto& vars = strat.vars;
172 switch(strat.var_order) {
173 case VariableOrder::INPUT_ORDER: return vars[next_unassigned_var];
174 case VariableOrder::FIRST_FAIL: return var_map_fold_left(vars, [](const universe_type& u) { return u.width().ub(); });
175 case VariableOrder::ANTI_FIRST_FAIL: return var_map_fold_left(vars, [](const universe_type& u) { return dual<LB>(u.width().ub()); });
176 case VariableOrder::LARGEST: return var_map_fold_left(vars, [](const universe_type& u) { return dual<LB>(u.ub()); });
177 case VariableOrder::SMALLEST: return var_map_fold_left(vars, [](const universe_type& u) { return dual<UB>(; });
178 default: printf("BUG: unsupported variable order strategy\n"); assert(false); return AVar{};
179 }
180 }
182 template <class U>
183 CUDA NI branch_type make_branch(AVar x, Sig left_op, Sig right_op, const U& u) {
184 if((u.is_top() && U::preserve_top) || (u.is_bot() && U::preserve_bot)) {
185 if(u.is_top()) {
186 printf("%% WARNING: Cannot currently branch on unbounded variables.\n");
187 }
188 return branch_type(get_allocator());
189 }
190 using F = TFormula<allocator_type>;
191 using branch_vector = battery::vector<sub_tell_type, allocator_type>;
192 VarEnv<allocator_type> empty_env{};
193 auto k = u.template deinterpret<F>();
194 IDiagnostics diagnostics;
197 bool res = a->interpret_tell(F::make_binary(F::make_avar(x), left_op, k, x.aty(), get_allocator()), empty_env, left, diagnostics);
198 res &= a->interpret_tell(F::make_binary(F::make_avar(x), right_op, k, x.aty(), get_allocator()), empty_env, right, diagnostics);
199 if(res) {
200 return Branch(branch_vector({std::move(left), std::move(right)}, get_allocator()));
201 }
202 // Fallback on a more standard split search strategy.
203 // We don't print anything because it might interfere with the output (without lock).
204 else if(left_op != LEQ || right_op != GT) {
205 return make_branch(x, LEQ, GT, u);
206 }
207 else {
208 printf("%% WARNING: The subdomain does not support the underlying search strategy.\n");
209 // Diagnostics mode.
210 a->template interpret_tell<true>(F::make_binary(F::make_avar(x), left_op, k, x.aty(), get_allocator()), empty_env, left, diagnostics);
211 a->template interpret_tell<true>(F::make_binary(F::make_avar(x), right_op, k, x.aty(), get_allocator()), empty_env, right, diagnostics);
212 diagnostics.print();
213 return branch_type(get_allocator());
214 }
215 }
218 CUDA SplitStrategy(AType atype, abstract_ptr<A> a, const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type()):
219 atype(atype), a(a), current_strategy(0), next_unassigned_var(0), strategies(alloc)
220 {}
222 template<class A2, class Alloc2, class... Allocators>
223 CUDA SplitStrategy(const SplitStrategy<A2, Alloc2>& other, AbstractDeps<Allocators...>& deps)
224 : atype(other.atype),
225 a(deps.template clone<A>(other.a)),
226 strategies(other.strategies, deps.template get_allocator<allocator_type>()),
227 current_strategy(other.current_strategy),
228 next_unassigned_var(other.next_unassigned_var)
229 {}
231 CUDA AType aty() const {
232 return atype;
233 }
236 return strategies.get_allocator();
237 }
239 template <class Alloc2 = allocator_type>
240 CUDA snapshot_type<Alloc2> snapshot(const Alloc2& alloc = Alloc2()) const {
241 return snapshot_type<Alloc2>{strategies.size(), current_strategy, next_unassigned_var};
242 }
244 template <class Alloc2 = allocator_type>
245 CUDA void restore(const snapshot_type<Alloc2>& snap) {
246 while(strategies.size() > snap.num_strategies) {
247 strategies.pop_back();
248 }
249 current_strategy = snap.current_strategy;
250 next_unassigned_var = snap.next_unassigned_var;
251 }
253 /** Restart the search from the first variable. */
254 CUDA void reset() {
255 current_strategy = 0;
256 next_unassigned_var = 0;
257 }
259 /** This interpretation function expects `f` to be a predicate of the form `search(VariableOrder, ValueOrder, x_1, x_2, ..., x_n)`. */
260 template <bool diagnose = false, class F, class Env, class Alloc2>
261 CUDA NI bool interpret_tell(const F& f, Env& env, tell_type<Alloc2>& tell, IDiagnostics& diagnostics) const {
262 if(!(
263 && f.eseq().size() >= 2
264 && f.esig() == "search"
265 && f.eseq()[0].is(F::ESeq) && f.eseq()[0].eseq().size() == 0
266 && f.eseq()[1].is(F::ESeq) && f.eseq()[1].eseq().size() == 0))
267 {
268 RETURN_INTERPRETATION_ERROR("SplitStrategy can only interpret predicates of the form `search(input_order, indomain_min, x1, ..., xN)`.");
269 }
270 strategy_type<Alloc2> strat{tell.get_allocator()};
271 const auto& var_order_str = f.eseq()[0].esig();
272 const auto& val_order_str = f.eseq()[1].esig();
273 if(var_order_str == "input_order") { strat.var_order = VariableOrder::INPUT_ORDER; }
274 else if(var_order_str == "first_fail") { strat.var_order = VariableOrder::FIRST_FAIL; }
275 else if(var_order_str == "anti_first_fail") { strat.var_order = VariableOrder::ANTI_FIRST_FAIL; }
276 else if(var_order_str == "smallest") { strat.var_order = VariableOrder::SMALLEST; }
277 else if(var_order_str == "largest") { strat.var_order = VariableOrder::LARGEST; }
278 else {
279 RETURN_INTERPRETATION_ERROR("This variable order strategy is unsupported.");
280 }
281 if(val_order_str == "indomain_min") { strat.val_order = ValueOrder::MIN; }
282 else if(val_order_str == "indomain_max") { strat.val_order = ValueOrder::MAX; }
283 else if(val_order_str == "indomain_median") { strat.val_order = ValueOrder::MEDIAN; }
284 else if(val_order_str == "indomain_split") { strat.val_order = ValueOrder::SPLIT; }
285 else if(val_order_str == "indomain_reverse_split") { strat.val_order = ValueOrder::REVERSE_SPLIT; }
286 else {
287 RETURN_INTERPRETATION_ERROR("This value order strategy is unsupported.");
288 }
289 for(int i = 2; i < f.eseq().size(); ++i) {
290 if(f.eseq(i).is(F::LV)) {
291 strat.vars.push_back(AVar{});
292 if(!env.interpret(f.eseq(i), strat.vars.back(), diagnostics)) {
293 return false;
294 }
295 }
296 else if(f.eseq(i).is(F::V)) {
297 strat.vars.push_back(f.eseq(i).v());
298 }
299 else if(num_vars(f.eseq(i)) > 0) {
300 RETURN_INTERPRETATION_ERROR("The predicate `search` only supports variables or constants, but an expression containing a variable was passed to it.");
301 }
302 // Ignore constant expressions.
303 else {}
304 }
305 if(strat.vars.size() == 0) {
306 RETURN_INTERPRETATION_WARNING("The predicate `search` has no variable, and thus it is ignored.");
307 }
308 tell.push_back(std::move(strat));
309 return true;
310 }
312 template <IKind kind, bool diagnose = false, class F, class Env, class I>
313 CUDA bool interpret(const F& f, Env& env, I& intermediate, IDiagnostics& diagnostics) const {
314 static_assert(kind == IKind::TELL);
315 return interpret_tell<diagnose>(f, env, intermediate, diagnostics);
316 }
318 /** This deduce method adds new strategies, and therefore do not satisfy the PCCP model.
319 * Calling this function multiple times will create multiple strategies, that will be called in sequence along a branch of the search tree.
320 * @sequential
321 */
322 template <class Alloc2>
323 CUDA local::B deduce(const tell_type<Alloc2>& t) {
324 local::B has_changed = false;
325 for(int i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i) {
326 if(t[i].vars.size() > 0) {
327 strategies.push_back(t[i]);
328 has_changed = true;
329 }
330 }
331 return has_changed;
332 }
334 /** Split the next unassigned variable according to the current strategy.
335 * If all variables of the current strategy are assigned, use the next strategy.
336 * If no strategy remains, returns an empty set of branches.
338 If the next unassigned variable cannot be split, for instance because the value ordering strategy maps to `bot` or `top`, an empty set of branches is returned.
339 This also means that you cannot suppose `split(a) = {}` to mean `a` is at `bot`. */
340 CUDA NI branch_type split() {
341 if(a->is_bot()) {
342 return branch_type(get_allocator());
343 }
344 move_to_next_unassigned_var();
345 if(current_strategy < strategies.size()) {
346 AVar x = select_var();
347 switch(strategies[current_strategy].val_order) {
348 case ValueOrder::MIN: return make_branch(x, EQ, GT, a->project(x).lb());
349 case ValueOrder::MAX: return make_branch(x, EQ, LT, a->project(x).ub());
350 case ValueOrder::MEDIAN: return make_branch(x, EQ, NEQ, a->project(x).median().lb());
351 case ValueOrder::SPLIT: return make_branch(x, LEQ, GT, a->project(x).median().lb());
352 case ValueOrder::REVERSE_SPLIT: return make_branch(x, GT, LEQ, a->project(x).median().lb());
353 default: printf("BUG: unsupported value order strategy\n"); assert(false); return branch_type(get_allocator());
354 }
355 }
356 else {
357 return branch_type(get_allocator());
358 }
359 }
361 CUDA size_t num_strategies() const {
362 return strategies.size();
363 }
Definition branch.hpp:12
Definition split_strategy.hpp:41
static constexpr const bool is_abstract_universe
Definition split_strategy.hpp:50
static constexpr const bool sequential
Definition split_strategy.hpp:51
CUDA allocator_type get_allocator() const
Definition split_strategy.hpp:235
battery::vector< strategy_type< Alloc2 >, Alloc2 > tell_type
Definition split_strategy.hpp:117
CUDA SplitStrategy(const SplitStrategy< A2, Alloc2 > &other, AbstractDeps< Allocators... > &deps)
Definition split_strategy.hpp:223
Allocator allocator_type
Definition split_strategy.hpp:43
static constexpr const bool is_totally_ordered
Definition split_strategy.hpp:52
sub_type::template tell_type< allocator_type > sub_tell_type
Definition split_strategy.hpp:46
CUDA local::B deduce(const tell_type< Alloc2 > &t)
Definition split_strategy.hpp:323
A sub_type
Definition split_strategy.hpp:44
CUDA NI bool interpret_tell(const F &f, Env &env, tell_type< Alloc2 > &tell, IDiagnostics &diagnostics) const
Definition split_strategy.hpp:261
typename sub_type::allocator_type sub_allocator_type
Definition split_strategy.hpp:45
static constexpr const bool preserve_concrete_covers
Definition split_strategy.hpp:59
static constexpr const bool preserve_join
Definition split_strategy.hpp:56
static constexpr const char * name
Definition split_strategy.hpp:61
static constexpr const bool preserve_bot
Definition split_strategy.hpp:53
Branch< sub_tell_type, allocator_type > branch_type
Definition split_strategy.hpp:47
CUDA snapshot_type< Alloc2 > snapshot(const Alloc2 &alloc=Alloc2()) const
Definition split_strategy.hpp:240
CUDA AType aty() const
Definition split_strategy.hpp:231
CUDA SplitStrategy(AType atype, abstract_ptr< A > a, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
Definition split_strategy.hpp:218
static constexpr const bool preserve_meet
Definition split_strategy.hpp:57
CUDA void reset()
Definition split_strategy.hpp:254
CUDA bool interpret(const F &f, Env &env, I &intermediate, IDiagnostics &diagnostics) const
Definition split_strategy.hpp:313
CUDA void restore(const snapshot_type< Alloc2 > &snap)
Definition split_strategy.hpp:245
CUDA NI branch_type split()
Definition split_strategy.hpp:340
static constexpr const bool preserve_top
Definition split_strategy.hpp:54
CUDA size_t num_strategies() const
Definition split_strategy.hpp:361
static constexpr const bool injective_concretization
Definition split_strategy.hpp:58
Definition bab.hpp:13
Definition split_strategy.hpp:14
Definition split_strategy.hpp:28
Definition split_strategy.hpp:64
snapshot_type< Alloc > & operator=(const snapshot_type< Alloc > &)=default
snapshot_type< Alloc > & operator=(snapshot_type< Alloc > &&)=default
snapshot_type(snapshot_type< Alloc > &&)=default
int next_unassigned_var
Definition split_strategy.hpp:67
CUDA snapshot_type(const SplitSnapshot &other, const Alloc &)
Definition split_strategy.hpp:81
snapshot_type(const snapshot_type< Alloc > &)=default
size_t num_strategies
Definition split_strategy.hpp:65
CUDA snapshot_type(size_t num_strategies, int current_strategy, int next_unassigned_var)
Definition split_strategy.hpp:69
int current_strategy
Definition split_strategy.hpp:66
Definition split_strategy.hpp:90
ValueOrder val_order
Definition split_strategy.hpp:92
strategy_type(strategy_type< Alloc2 > &&)=default
strategy_type(const strategy_type< Alloc2 > &)=default
battery::vector< AVar, Alloc2 > vars
Definition split_strategy.hpp:93
CUDA strategy_type(VariableOrder var_order, ValueOrder val_order, battery::vector< AVar, Alloc2 > &&vars)
Definition split_strategy.hpp:100
CUDA strategy_type(const Alloc2 &alloc=Alloc2{})
Definition split_strategy.hpp:95
CUDA strategy_type(const StrategyType &other, const Alloc2 &alloc=Alloc2{})
Definition split_strategy.hpp:109
CUDA allocator_type get_allocator() const
Definition split_strategy.hpp:104
VariableOrder var_order
Definition split_strategy.hpp:91
Alloc2 allocator_type
Definition split_strategy.hpp:103
strategy_type & operator=(strategy_type< Alloc2 > &&)=default