Lattice Land Core Library
lala::local Namespace Reference


using B = ::lala::B<::battery::local_memory >
using ZLB = ::lala::ZLB< int, battery::local_memory >
using ZUB = ::lala::ZUB< int, battery::local_memory >
using FLB = ::lala::FLB< double, battery::local_memory >
using FUB = ::lala::FUB< double, battery::local_memory >
using ZFlat = ::lala::ZFlat< int, battery::local_memory >
using FFlat = ::lala::FFlat< double, battery::local_memory >

Detailed Description

Aliases for lattice allocated on the stack (as local variable) and accessed by only one thread. To make things simpler, the underlying type is also chosen (when required).

Typedef Documentation

◆ B

using lala::local::B = typedef ::lala::B<::battery::local_memory>


using lala::local::ZLB = typedef ::lala::ZLB<int, battery::local_memory>


using lala::local::ZUB = typedef ::lala::ZUB<int, battery::local_memory>


using lala::local::FLB = typedef ::lala::FLB<double, battery::local_memory>


using lala::local::FUB = typedef ::lala::FUB<double, battery::local_memory>

◆ ZFlat

using lala::local::ZFlat = typedef ::lala::ZFlat<int, battery::local_memory>

◆ FFlat

using lala::local::FFlat = typedef ::lala::FFlat<double, battery::local_memory>