Lattice Land Core Library
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright 2022 Pierre Talbot
6 #include <type_traits>
7 #include <utility>
8 #include <cmath>
9 #include <iostream>
10 #include "../logic/logic.hpp"
11 #include "pre_flb.hpp"
12 #include "pre_fub.hpp"
13 #include "pre_zlb.hpp"
14 #include "pre_zub.hpp"
15 #include "../b.hpp"
16 #include "battery/memory.hpp"
18 /** A pre-abstract universe is a lattice (with usual operations join, order, ...) equipped with a simple logical interpretation function and a next/prev functions.
19  We consider totally ordered pre-abstract universes with a downset semantics.
20  For any lattice \f$ L \f$, we consider an element \f$ a \in L \f$ to represent all the concrete elements equal to or below it.
21  This set is called the downset of \f$ a \f$ and is denoted \f$ \mathord{\downarrow}{a} \f$.
22  The concretization function \f$ \gamma \f$ formalizes this idea: \f$ \gamma(a) = \{x \mapsto b \;|\; b \in \mathord{\downarrow}{a} \cap U \} \f$ where \f$ U \f$ is the universe of discourse.
23  The intersection with \f$ U \f$ is necessary to remove potential elements in the abstract universe that are not in the concrete universe of discourse (e.g., \f$ -\infty, \infty \f$ below).
25  The downset semantics associates each element of a lattice to its concrete downset.
26  It is possible to decide that each element is associated to the concrete upset instead.
27  Doing so will reverse our usage of the lattice-theoretic operations (join instead of meet, <= instead of >=, etc.).
28  Instead of considering the upset semantics, it is more convenient to consider the downset semantics of the dual lattice.
30  Example:
31  * The lattice of increasing integer \f$ \mathit{ZUB} = \langle \{-\infty, \ldots, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, \ldots, \infty\}, \leq \rangle \f$ is ordered by the natural arithmetic comparison operator, it represents an upper bound on the set of integers represented.
32  Using the downset semantics, we can represent simple constraints such as \f$ x \leq 3 \f$, in which case the downset \f$ \mathord{\downarrow}{3} = \{\ldots, 1, 2, 3\} \f$ represents all the values of \f$ x \f$ satisfying the constraints \f$ x \leq 3 \f$, that is, the solutions of the constraints.
33  * By taking the upset semantics of \f$ \mathit{ZUB} \f$, we can represent constraints such as \f$ x \geq 3 \f$.
34  * Alternatively, we can take the dual lattice of decreasing integers \f$ \mathit{ZLB} = \langle \{\infty, \ldots, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, \ldots, -\infty\}, \geq \rangle \f$.
35  The downset semantics of \f$ \mathit{ZLB} \f$ corresponds to the upset semantics of \f$ \mathit{ZUB} \f$.
37  From a pre-abstract universe, we obtain an abstract universe using the `Universe` class below.
38  We also define various aliases to abstract universes such as `ZLB`, `ZUB`, etc.
39 */
41 namespace lala {
43 template<class PreUniverse, class Mem>
44 class FlatUniverse;
46 template<class PreUniverse, class Mem>
47 class ArithBound;
49 /** Lattice of integer lower bounds. */
50 template<class VT, class Mem>
51 using ZLB = ArithBound<PreZLB<VT>, Mem>;
53 /** Lattice of integer upper bounds. */
54 template<class VT, class Mem>
55 using ZUB = ArithBound<PreZUB<VT>, Mem>;
57 /** Lattice of floating-point lower bounds. */
58 template<class VT, class Mem>
59 using FLB = ArithBound<PreFLB<VT>, Mem>;
61 /** Lattice of floating-point upper bounds. */
62 template<class VT, class Mem>
63 using FUB = ArithBound<PreFUB<VT>, Mem>;
65 /** Aliases for lattice allocated on the stack (as local variable) and accessed by only one thread.
66  * To make things simpler, the underlying type is also chosen (when required). */
67 namespace local {
72 }
74 namespace impl {
75  template<class T>
76  struct is_arith_bound {
77  static constexpr bool value = false;
78  };
80  template<class PreUniverse, class Mem>
81  struct is_arith_bound<ArithBound<PreUniverse, Mem>> {
82  static constexpr bool value = true;
83  };
85  template <class T>
86  inline constexpr bool is_arith_bound_v = is_arith_bound<T>::value;
87 }
90 template <class A, class R = A>
91 R project_fun(Sig fun, const A& a, const A& b) {
92  R r{};
93  r.project(fun, a, b);
94  return r;
95 }
97 template <class A, class R = A>
98 R project_fun(Sig fun, const A& a) {
99  R r{};
100  r.project(fun, a);
101  return r;
102 }
104 /** This function is useful when we need to convert a value to its dual.
105  The dual is the upset of the current element, therefore, if we have \f$ x <= 10 \f$, the dual is given by the formula \f$ x >= 10 \f$ interpreted in the dual lattice.
106  In that case, it just changes the type of the lattice without changing the value.
107  A difference occurs on the bottom and top element.
108  Indeed, by our representation of bot and top, the bottom value in a lattice L equals the top value in its dual, but we need them to remain the same, so the dual of `L::bot()` is `LDual::bot()`.*/
109 template <class LDual, class L>
110 CUDA constexpr LDual dual_bound(const L& x) {
111  if(x.is_bot()) return LDual::bot();
112  if(x.is_top()) return LDual::top();
113  return LDual(x.value());
114 }
116 template<class PreUniverse, class Mem>
118 {
119  using U = PreUniverse;
120 public:
121  using pre_universe = PreUniverse;
122  using value_type = typename pre_universe::value_type;
123  using memory_type = Mem;
127  template<class M>
132  template<class M>
136  constexpr static const bool is_abstract_universe = true;
137  constexpr static const bool sequential = Mem::sequential;
138  constexpr static const bool is_totally_ordered = pre_universe::is_totally_ordered;
139  constexpr static const bool preserve_bot = pre_universe::preserve_bot;
140  constexpr static const bool preserve_top = pre_universe::preserve_top;
141  constexpr static const bool preserve_join = pre_universe::preserve_join;
142  constexpr static const bool preserve_meet = pre_universe::preserve_meet;
143  constexpr static const bool injective_concretization = pre_universe::injective_concretization;
144  constexpr static const bool preserve_concrete_covers = pre_universe::preserve_concrete_covers;
145  constexpr static const bool is_lower_bound = pre_universe::is_lower_bound;
146  constexpr static const bool is_upper_bound = pre_universe::is_upper_bound;
147  constexpr static const char* name = pre_universe::name;
149  constexpr static const bool is_arithmetic = pre_universe::is_arithmetic;
151  static_assert(is_totally_ordered, "The underlying pre-universe must be totally ordered.");
152  static_assert(is_arithmetic, "The underlying pre-universe must be arithmetic (e.g. integers, floating-point numbers).");
154  /** A pre-interpreted formula `x >= value` ready to use.
155  * This is mainly for optimization purpose to avoid calling `interpret` each time we need it. */
156  CUDA static constexpr this_type geq_k(value_type k) {
157  if constexpr(is_lower_bound) {
158  return this_type(k);
159  }
160  else {
161  static_assert(is_lower_bound,
162  "The pre-interpreted formula x >= k is only available over abstract universe modelling lower bounds.");
163  }
164  }
166  CUDA static constexpr this_type leq_k(value_type k) {
167  if constexpr(is_upper_bound) {
168  return this_type(k);
169  }
170  else {
171  static_assert(is_upper_bound,
172  "The pre-interpreted formula x <= k is only available over abstract universe modelling upper bounds.");
173  }
174  }
176  using atomic_type = memory_type::template atomic_type<value_type>;
177 private:
178  atomic_type val;
180 public:
181  /** Similar to \f$[\![\mathit{false}]\!]\f$ if `preserve_bot` is true. */
182  CUDA static constexpr local_type bot() { return local_type(U::bot()); }
184  /** Similar to \f$[\![\mathit{true}]\!]\f$ if `preserve_top` is true. */
185  CUDA static constexpr local_type top() { return local_type(U::top()); }
186  /** Initialize an upset universe to top. */
187  CUDA constexpr ArithBound(): val(U::top()) {}
188  /** Similar to \f$[\![x \leq_A i]\!]\f$ for any name `x` where \f$ \leq_A \f$ is the lattice order. */
189  CUDA constexpr ArithBound(value_type x): val(x) {}
190  constexpr ArithBound(const this_type& other) = default;
191  constexpr ArithBound(this_type&& other) = default;
193  template <class M>
194  CUDA constexpr ArithBound(const this_type2<M>& other): ArithBound(other.value()) {}
196  /** The assignment operator can only be used in a sequential context.
197  * It is monotone but not extensive. */
198  template <class M>
199  CUDA constexpr this_type& operator=(const this_type2<M>& other) {
200  memory_type::store(val, other.value());
201  return *this;
202  }
204  constexpr this_type& operator=(const this_type& other) = default;
206  CUDA constexpr value_type value() const { return memory_type::load(val); }
208  CUDA constexpr atomic_type& atomic() { return val; }
210  // This is dangerous because a conversion to `value_type` can be done implicitly, and overloaded operators <, >, ... can be used on the underlying value_type instead of the abstract universe.
211  CUDA constexpr operator value_type() const { return value(); }
213  /** \return `true` whenever \f$ a = \top \f$, `false` otherwise.
214  * @parallel @order-preserving @increasing
215  */
216  CUDA constexpr local::B is_top() const {
217  return value() == U::top();
218  }
220  /** \return `true` whenever \f$ a = \bot \f$, `false` otherwise.
221  * @parallel @order-preserving @decreasing
222  */
223  CUDA constexpr local::B is_bot() const {
224  return value() == U::bot();
225  }
227  CUDA constexpr void join_top() {
228  memory_type::store(val, U::top());
229  }
231  template<class M1>
232  CUDA constexpr bool join(const this_type2<M1>& other) {
233  value_type r1 = value();
234  value_type r2 = other.value();
235  if(U::strict_order(r1, r2)) {
236  memory_type::store(val, r2);
237  return true;
238  }
239  return false;
240  }
242  CUDA constexpr void meet_bot() {
243  memory_type::store(val, U::bot());
244  }
246  template<class M1>
247  CUDA constexpr bool meet(const this_type2<M1>& other) {
248  value_type r1 = value();
249  value_type r2 = other.value();
250  if(U::strict_order(r2, r1)) {
251  memory_type::store(val, r2);
252  return true;
253  }
254  return false;
255  }
257  /** \return \f$ x <op> i \f$ where `x` is a variable's name, `i` the current value and `<op>` depends on the underlying universe.
258  If `U` preserves top, `true` is returned whenever \f$ a = \top \f$, if it preserves bottom `false` is returned whenever \f$ a = \bot \f$.
259  We always return an exact approximation, hence for any formula \f$ \llbracket \varphi \rrbracket = a \f$, we must have \f$ a = \llbracket \rrbracket a \llbracket \rrbracket \f$ where \f$ \rrbracket a \llbracket \f$ is the deinterpretation function.
260  */
261  template<class Env, class Allocator = typename Env::allocator_type>
262  CUDA NI TFormula<Allocator> deinterpret(AVar avar, const Env& env, const Allocator& allocator = Allocator()) const {
263  using F = TFormula<Allocator>;
264  if(preserve_top && is_top()) {
265  return F::make_true();
266  }
267  else if(preserve_bot && is_bot()) {
268  return F::make_false();
269  }
270  return F::make_binary(
271  F::make_avar(avar),
272  U::sig_order(),
273  deinterpret<F>(),
274  UNTYPED, allocator);
275  }
277  /** Deinterpret the current value to a logical constant. */
278  template<class F>
279  CUDA NI F deinterpret() const {
280  return pre_universe::template deinterpret<F>(value());
281  }
283  /** Under-approximates the current element \f$ a \f$ w.r.t. \f$ \rrbracket a \llbracket \f$ into `ua`.
284  * For this abstract universe, it always returns `true` since the current element \f$ a \f$ is an exact representation of \f$ \rrbracket a \llbracket \f$. */
285  CUDA constexpr bool extract(local_type& ua) const {
286  ua.val = value();
287  return true;
288  }
290  /** Print the current element. */
291  CUDA NI void print() const {
292  if(is_bot()) {
293  printf("\u22A5");
294  }
295  else if(is_top()) {
296  printf("\u22A4");
297  }
298  else {
300  }
301  }
303 private:
304  /** Interpret a formula of the form `x <sig> k`. */
305  template<bool diagnose = false, class F, class M2>
306  CUDA NI static bool interpret_tell_x_op_k(const F& f, this_type2<M2>& tell, IDiagnostics& diagnostics) {
307  value_type value = pre_universe::top();
308  bool res = pre_universe::template interpret_tell<diagnose>(f.seq(1), value, diagnostics);
309  if(res) {
310  if(f.sig() == EQ || f.sig() == U::sig_order()) { // e.g., x <= 4 or x >= 4.24
312  }
313  else if(f.sig() == U::sig_strict_order()) { // e.g., x < 4 or x > 4.24
314  if constexpr(preserve_concrete_covers) {
316  }
317  else {
319  }
320  }
321  else {
322  RETURN_INTERPRETATION_ERROR("The symbol `" + LVar<typename F::allocator_type>(string_of_sig(f.sig())) + "` is not supported in the tell language of this universe.");
323  }
324  }
325  return res;
326  }
328  /** Interpret a formula of the form `x <sig> k`. */
329  template<bool diagnose = false, class F, class M2>
330  CUDA NI static bool interpret_ask_x_op_k(const F& f, this_type2<M2>& tell, IDiagnostics& diagnostics) {
331  value_type value = pre_universe::top();
332  bool res = pre_universe::template interpret_ask<diagnose>(f.seq(1), value, diagnostics);
333  if(res) {
334  if(f.sig() == U::sig_order()) {
336  }
337  else if(f.sig() == NEQ || f.sig() == U::sig_strict_order()) {
338  // We could actually do a little bit better in the case of FLB/FUB.
339  // If the real number `k` is approximated by `[f, g]`, it actually means `]f, g[` so we could safely choose `r` since it already under-approximates `k`.
341  }
342  else {
343  RETURN_INTERPRETATION_ERROR("The symbol `" + LVar<typename F::allocator_type>(string_of_sig(f.sig())) + "` is not supported in the ask language of this universe.");
344  }
345  }
346  return res;
347  }
349  template<bool diagnose = false, class F, class M2>
350  CUDA NI static bool interpret_tell_set(const F& f, this_type2<M2>& tell, IDiagnostics& diagnostics) {
351  if(!f.seq(1).is(F::S)) {
352  RETURN_INTERPRETATION_ERROR("The constant `S` in a constraint `x in S` must be a set.");
353  }
354  const auto& set = f.seq(1).s();
355  if(set.size() == 0) {
356  tell.meet_bot();
357  return true;
358  }
359  value_type join_s = pre_universe::bot();
360  constexpr int bound_index = is_lower_bound ? 0 : 1;
361  // We interpret each component of the set and take the meet of all the results.
362  for(int i = 0; i < set.size(); ++i) {
363  auto bound = battery::get<bound_index>(set[i]);
364  value_type set_element = pre_universe::top();
365  bool res = pre_universe::template interpret_tell<diagnose>(bound, set_element, diagnostics);
366  if(!res) {
367  return false;
368  }
369  join_s = pre_universe::join(join_s, set_element);
370  }
372  return true;
373  }
375 public:
376  /** Expects a predicate of the form `x <op> k` where `x` is any variable's name, and `k` a constant.
377  * The symbol `<op>` is expected to be `U::sig_order()`, `U::sig_strict_order()`, `=` or `in`.
378  * Existential formula \f$ \exists{x:T} \f$ can also be interpreted (only to top) depending on the underlying pre-universe.
379  */
380  template<bool diagnose = false, class F, class Env, class M2>
381  CUDA NI static bool interpret_tell(const F& f, const Env&, this_type2<M2>& tell, IDiagnostics& diagnostics) {
382  if( {
383  typename U::value_type val;
384  bool res = pre_universe::template interpret_type<diagnose>(f, val, diagnostics);
385  if(res) {
387  }
388  return res;
389  }
390  else {
391  if(f.is_binary() && f.seq(0).is_variable() && f.seq(1).is_constant()) {
392  // `x in k` is equivalent to `x >= meet k` where `>=` is the lattice order `U::sig_order()`.
393  if(f.sig() == IN) {
394  return interpret_tell_set<diagnose>(f, tell, diagnostics);
395  }
396  else {
397  return interpret_tell_x_op_k<diagnose>(f, tell, diagnostics);
398  }
399  }
400  else {
401  RETURN_INTERPRETATION_ERROR("Only binary formulas of the form `x <sig> k` where if x is a variable and k is a constant are supported.");
402  }
403  }
404  }
406  /** Expects a predicate of the form `x <op> k` where `x` is any variable's name, and `k` a constant.
407  * The symbol `<op>` is expected to be `U::sig_order()`, `U::sig_strict_order()` or `!=`.
408  */
409  template<bool diagnose = false, class F, class Env, class M2>
410  CUDA NI static bool interpret_ask(const F& f, const Env&, this_type2<M2>& ask, IDiagnostics& diagnostics) {
411  if(f.is_binary() && f.seq(0).is_variable() && f.seq(1).is_constant()) {
412  return interpret_ask_x_op_k<diagnose>(f, ask, diagnostics);
413  }
414  else {
415  RETURN_INTERPRETATION_ERROR("Only binary formulas of the form `x <sig> k` where if x is a variable and k is a constant are supported.");
416  }
417  }
419  template<IKind kind, bool diagnose = false, class F, class Env, class M2>
420  CUDA NI static bool interpret(const F& f, const Env& env, this_type2<M2>& value, IDiagnostics& diagnostics) {
421  if constexpr(kind == IKind::TELL) {
422  return interpret_tell<diagnose>(f, env, value, diagnostics);
423  }
424  else {
425  return interpret_ask<diagnose>(f, env, value, diagnostics);
426  }
427  }
429 public:
430  CUDA static constexpr local_type next(const this_type2<Mem>& a) {
431  return local_type(pre_universe::next(a.value()));
432  }
434  CUDA static constexpr local_type prev(const this_type2<Mem>& a) {
435  return local_type(pre_universe::prev(a.value()));
436  }
438  /** Unary function of type `fun: FlatUniverse -> ArithBound`.
439  * If `a` is `bot`, we meet with bottom in-place.
440  * Otherwise, we apply the function `fun` to `a` and meet the result.
441  * \remark The result of the function is always over-approximated (or exact when possible).
442  */
443  CUDA constexpr void project(Sig fun, const local_flat_type& a) {
444  if(a.is_bot()) { meet_bot(); }
445  else if(!a.is_top()) {
447  }
448  }
450  /** Binary functions of type `project: FlatUniverse x FlatUniverse -> ArithBound`.
451  * If `a` or `b` is `bot`, we meet bottom in-place.
452  * Otherwise, we meet `fun(a,b)` in-place.
453  * \remark The result of the function is always over-approximated (or exact when possible).
454  * \remark If the function `fun` is partial (e.g. division), we expect the arguments `a` and `b` to be in the domain of `fun` (e.g. not equal to 0).
455  */
456  CUDA constexpr void project(Sig fun, const local_flat_type& a, const local_flat_type& b) {
457  if(a.is_bot() || b.is_bot()) { meet_bot(); }
458  else if(!a.is_top() && !b.is_top()) {
460  }
461  }
463  /** In this universe, the non-trivial order-preserving functions are {min, max, +}. */
464  CUDA static constexpr bool is_trivial_fun(Sig fun) {
465  return fun != MIN && fun != MAX && fun != ADD && (is_upper_bound || fun != ABS);
466  }
468  /** The functions that are order-preserving on the natural order of the universe of discourse, and its dual. */
469  CUDA static constexpr bool is_order_preserving_fun(Sig fun) {
470  return fun == ADD || fun == MIN || fun == MAX || (is_lower_bound && fun == ABS);
471  }
473  CUDA constexpr void project(Sig fun, const local_type &a, const local_type &b) {
474  if (a.is_bot() || b.is_bot()) { meet_bot(); return; }
475  if(fun == MIN || fun == MAX || fun == ADD) {
477  }
478  }
480  CUDA constexpr void project(Sig fun, const local_type &a) {
481  if (a.is_bot()) { meet_bot(); return; }
482  if (!a.is_top()) {
483  meet(project(fun, a.value()));
484  }
485  }
487  template<class Pre2, class Mem2>
488  friend class ArithBound;
489 };
491 // Lattice operators
493 template<class Pre, class M1, class M2>
495  return Pre::join(a.value(), b.value());
496 }
498 template<class Pre, class M1, class M2>
500  return Pre::meet(a.value(), b.value());
501 }
503 template<class Pre, class M1, class M2>
504 CUDA constexpr bool operator<=(const ArithBound<Pre, M1>& a, const ArithBound<Pre, M2>& b) {
505  return Pre::order(a.value(), b.value());
506 }
508 template<class Pre, class M1, class M2>
509 CUDA constexpr bool operator<(const ArithBound<Pre, M1>& a, const ArithBound<Pre, M2>& b) {
510  return Pre::strict_order(a.value(), b.value());
511 }
513 template<class Pre, class M1, class M2>
514 CUDA constexpr bool operator>=(const ArithBound<Pre, M1>& a, const ArithBound<Pre, M2>& b) {
515  return Pre::order(b.value(), a.value());
516 }
518 template<class Pre, class M1, class M2>
519 CUDA constexpr bool operator>(const ArithBound<Pre, M1>& a, const ArithBound<Pre, M2>& b) {
520  return Pre::strict_order(b.value(), a.value());
521 }
523 template<class Pre, class M1, class M2>
524 CUDA constexpr bool operator==(const ArithBound<Pre, M1>& a, const ArithBound<Pre, M2>& b) {
525  return a.value() == b.value();
526 }
528 template<class Pre, class M1, class M2>
529 CUDA constexpr bool operator!=(const ArithBound<Pre, M1>& a, const ArithBound<Pre, M2>& b) {
530  return a.value() != b.value();
531 }
533 template<class Pre, class M>
534 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const ArithBound<Pre, M> &a) {
535  if(a.is_bot()) {
536  s << "\u22A5";
537  }
538  else if(a.is_top()) {
539  s << "\u22A4";
540  }
541  else {
542  s << a.value();
543  }
544  return s;
545 }
547 } // namespace lala
549 #endif
Definition: ast.hpp:38
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:118
CUDA NI F deinterpret() const
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:279
constexpr CUDA local::B is_top() const
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:216
static constexpr CUDA local_type top()
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:185
this_type2< battery::local_memory > local_type
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:130
constexpr CUDA void project(Sig fun, const local_type &a, const local_type &b)
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:473
constexpr static const bool preserve_bot
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:139
constexpr ArithBound(const this_type &other)=default
CUDA NI TFormula< Allocator > deinterpret(AVar avar, const Env &env, const Allocator &allocator=Allocator()) const
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:262
Mem memory_type
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:123
static constexpr CUDA bool is_order_preserving_fun(Sig fun)
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:469
constexpr static const bool preserve_meet
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:142
static constexpr CUDA local_type prev(const this_type2< Mem > &a)
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:434
constexpr CUDA bool join(const this_type2< M1 > &other)
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:232
static constexpr CUDA this_type geq_k(value_type k)
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:156
memory_type::template atomic_type< value_type > atomic_type
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:176
constexpr static const bool is_upper_bound
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:146
constexpr CUDA local::B is_bot() const
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:223
constexpr static const bool is_lower_bound
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:145
CUDA static NI bool interpret_tell(const F &f, const Env &, this_type2< M2 > &tell, IDiagnostics &diagnostics)
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:381
constexpr ArithBound(this_type &&other)=default
ArithBound< pre_universe, memory_type > this_type
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:124
constexpr static const char * name
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:147
constexpr static const bool preserve_top
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:140
constexpr static const bool is_arithmetic
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:149
static constexpr CUDA local_type next(const this_type2< Mem > &a)
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:430
constexpr CUDA void project(Sig fun, const local_type &a)
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:480
PreUniverse pre_universe
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:121
CUDA static NI bool interpret_ask(const F &f, const Env &, this_type2< M2 > &ask, IDiagnostics &diagnostics)
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:410
static constexpr CUDA this_type leq_k(value_type k)
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:166
CUDA NI void print() const
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:291
constexpr static const bool preserve_concrete_covers
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:144
constexpr CUDA void project(Sig fun, const local_flat_type &a, const local_flat_type &b)
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:456
CUDA static NI bool interpret(const F &f, const Env &env, this_type2< M2 > &value, IDiagnostics &diagnostics)
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:420
constexpr CUDA bool meet(const this_type2< M1 > &other)
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:247
constexpr static const bool preserve_join
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:141
constexpr CUDA ArithBound(value_type x)
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:189
constexpr CUDA atomic_type & atomic()
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:208
constexpr CUDA bool extract(local_type &ua) const
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:285
static constexpr CUDA bool is_trivial_fun(Sig fun)
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:464
constexpr CUDA ArithBound()
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:187
constexpr CUDA void meet_bot()
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:242
constexpr CUDA ArithBound(const this_type2< M > &other)
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:194
constexpr CUDA this_type & operator=(const this_type2< M > &other)
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:199
constexpr CUDA value_type value() const
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:206
static constexpr CUDA local_type bot()
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:182
constexpr static const bool is_totally_ordered
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:138
constexpr static const bool is_abstract_universe
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:136
typename pre_universe::value_type value_type
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:122
constexpr CUDA void join_top()
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:227
constexpr static const bool injective_concretization
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:143
constexpr CUDA void project(Sig fun, const local_flat_type &a)
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:443
constexpr this_type & operator=(const this_type &other)=default
constexpr static const bool sequential
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:137
Definition: b.hpp:10
Definition: flat_universe.hpp:30
constexpr CUDA local::B is_bot() const
Definition: flat_universe.hpp:122
constexpr CUDA value_type value() const
Definition: flat_universe.hpp:108
constexpr CUDA local::B is_top() const
Definition: flat_universe.hpp:115
Definition: diagnostics.hpp:19
Definition: ast.hpp:247
Definition: diagnostics.hpp:155
CUDA NI void print(const lala::Sig &sig)
Definition: ast.hpp:225
Definition: abstract_deps.hpp:14
CUDA NI const char * string_of_sig(Sig sig)
Definition: ast.hpp:121
constexpr CUDA const CartesianProduct< As... >::template type_of< i > & project(const CartesianProduct< As... > &cp)
Similar to cp.template project<i>(), just to avoid the ".template" syntax.
Definition: cartesian_product.hpp:413
constexpr CUDA bool operator==(const CartesianProduct< As... > &a, const CartesianProduct< Bs... > &b)
Definition: cartesian_product.hpp:504
constexpr CUDA LDual dual_bound(const L &x)
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:110
R project_fun(Sig fun, const A &a, const A &b)
Definition: arith_bound.hpp:91
Definition: ast.hpp:94
Equality relations.
Definition: ast.hpp:112
@ EQ
Unary arithmetic function symbols.
Definition: ast.hpp:112
Unary arithmetic function symbols.
Definition: ast.hpp:97
@ IN
Set membership predicate.
Definition: ast.hpp:108
Unary arithmetic function symbols.
Definition: ast.hpp:97
Binary arithmetic function symbols.
Definition: ast.hpp:97
Unary arithmetic function symbols.
Definition: ast.hpp:96
constexpr CUDA auto fjoin(const CartesianProduct< As... > &a, const CartesianProduct< Bs... > &b)
Definition: cartesian_product.hpp:464
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const CartesianProduct< A, As... > &cp)
Definition: cartesian_product.hpp:531
constexpr CUDA bool operator<(const CartesianProduct< As... > &a, const CartesianProduct< Bs... > &b)
Definition: cartesian_product.hpp:485
constexpr CUDA auto fmeet(const CartesianProduct< As... > &a, const CartesianProduct< Bs... > &b)
Definition: cartesian_product.hpp:471
constexpr CUDA bool operator>(const CartesianProduct< As... > &a, const CartesianProduct< Bs... > &b)
Definition: cartesian_product.hpp:498
#define UNTYPED
Definition: sort.hpp:21