Lattice Land Core Library
arith_bound.hpp File Reference
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include "../logic/logic.hpp"
#include "pre_flb.hpp"
#include "pre_fub.hpp"
#include "pre_zlb.hpp"
#include "pre_zub.hpp"
#include "../b.hpp"
#include "battery/memory.hpp"

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class  lala::ArithBound< PreUniverse, Mem >




template<class VT , class Mem >
using lala::ZLB = ArithBound< PreZLB< VT >, Mem >
template<class VT , class Mem >
using lala::ZUB = ArithBound< PreZUB< VT >, Mem >
template<class VT , class Mem >
using lala::FLB = ArithBound< PreFLB< VT >, Mem >
template<class VT , class Mem >
using lala::FUB = ArithBound< PreFUB< VT >, Mem >
using lala::local::ZLB = ::lala::ZLB< int, battery::local_memory >
using lala::local::ZUB = ::lala::ZUB< int, battery::local_memory >
using lala::local::FLB = ::lala::FLB< double, battery::local_memory >
using lala::local::FUB = ::lala::FUB< double, battery::local_memory >


template<class A , class R = A>
lala::project_fun (Sig fun, const A &a, const A &b)
template<class A , class R = A>
lala::project_fun (Sig fun, const A &a)
template<class LDual , class L >
constexpr CUDA LDual lala::dual_bound (const L &x)
template<class Pre , class M1 , class M2 >
constexpr CUDA ArithBound< Pre, battery::local_memory > lala::fjoin (const ArithBound< Pre, M1 > &a, const ArithBound< Pre, M2 > &b)
template<class Pre , class M1 , class M2 >
constexpr CUDA ArithBound< Pre, battery::local_memory > lala::fmeet (const ArithBound< Pre, M1 > &a, const ArithBound< Pre, M2 > &b)
template<class Pre , class M1 , class M2 >
constexpr CUDA bool lala::operator< (const ArithBound< Pre, M1 > &a, const ArithBound< Pre, M2 > &b)
template<class Pre , class M1 , class M2 >
constexpr CUDA bool lala::operator> (const ArithBound< Pre, M1 > &a, const ArithBound< Pre, M2 > &b)
template<class Pre , class M1 , class M2 >
constexpr CUDA bool lala::operator== (const ArithBound< Pre, M1 > &a, const ArithBound< Pre, M2 > &b)
template<class Pre , class M >
std::ostream & lala::operator<< (std::ostream &s, const ArithBound< Pre, M > &a)