Lattice Land Core Library
No Matches
lala::Interval< U > Class Template Reference

#include <interval.hpp>

Public Types

using LB = U
using UB = typename LB::dual_type
using this_type = Interval<LB>
using local_type = Interval<typename LB::local_type>
using value_type = battery::tuple<typename LB::value_type, typename UB::value_type>
using memory_type = typename LB::memory_type

Public Member Functions

constexpr Interval ()=default
constexpr Interval (const this_type &)=default
constexpr Interval (this_type &&)=default
CUDA constexpr Interval (const typename U::value_type &x)
CUDA constexpr Interval (const LB &lb, const UB &ub)
template<class A >
CUDA constexpr Interval (const Interval< A > &other)
template<class A >
CUDA constexpr Interval (Interval< A > &&other)
template<class A >
CUDA constexpr this_typeoperator= (const Interval< A > &other)
constexpr this_typeoperator= (const this_type &)=default
constexpr this_typeoperator= (this_type &&)=default
CUDA constexpr local::B is_bot () const
CUDA constexpr local::B is_top () const
CUDA constexpr value_type value () const
CUDA INLINE constexpr LBlb ()
CUDA INLINE constexpr UBub ()
CUDA INLINE constexpr const LBlb () const
CUDA INLINE constexpr const UBub () const
CUDA constexpr void join_top ()
template<class A >
CUDA constexpr bool join_lb (const A &lb)
template<class A >
CUDA constexpr bool join_ub (const A &ub)
template<class A >
CUDA constexpr bool join (const Interval< A > &other)
CUDA constexpr void meet_bot ()
template<class A >
CUDA constexpr bool meet_lb (const A &lb)
template<class A >
CUDA constexpr bool meet_ub (const A &ub)
template<class A >
CUDA constexpr bool meet (const Interval< A > &other)
template<class A >
CUDA constexpr bool extract (Interval< A > &ua) const
template<class Env , class Allocator = typename Env::allocator_type>
CUDA TFormula< Allocator > deinterpret (AVar x, const Env &env, const Allocator &allocator=Allocator()) const
template<class F >
CUDA NI F deinterpret () const
CUDA NI void print () const
CUDA constexpr void additive_inverse (const this_type &x)
CUDA constexpr void neg (const local_type &x)
CUDA constexpr void abs (const local_type &x)
CUDA constexpr void project (Sig fun, const local_type &x)
CUDA constexpr void add (const local_type &x, const local_type &y)
CUDA constexpr void sub (const local_type &x, const local_type &y)
CUDA constexpr void mul (const local_type &a, const local_type &b)
CUDA constexpr void div (Sig divfun, const local_type &a, const local_type &b)
CUDA constexpr void mod (Sig modfun, const local_type &a, const local_type &b)
CUDA constexpr void pow (const local_type &a, const local_type &b)
CUDA constexpr void project (Sig fun, const local_type &x, const local_type &y)
CUDA constexpr local_type width () const
CUDA constexpr local_type median () const

Static Public Member Functions

CUDA static constexpr local_type eq_zero ()
CUDA static constexpr local_type eq_one ()
CUDA static constexpr local_type bot ()
CUDA static constexpr local_type top ()
template<bool diagnose = false, class F , class Env , class U2 >
CUDA static NI bool interpret_tell (const F &f, const Env &env, Interval< U2 > &k, IDiagnostics &diagnostics)
template<bool diagnose = false, class F , class Env , class U2 >
CUDA static NI bool interpret_ask (const F &f, const Env &env, Interval< U2 > &k, IDiagnostics &diagnostics)
template<IKind kind, bool diagnose = false, class F , class Env , class U2 >
CUDA static NI bool interpret (const F &f, const Env &env, Interval< U2 > &k, IDiagnostics &diagnostics)
template<class L >
CUDA static constexpr local_type reverse (const Interval< L > &x)
static CUDA constexpr bool is_trivial_fun (Sig fun)

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr const bool is_abstract_universe = true
static constexpr const bool sequential = LB::sequential
static constexpr const bool is_totally_ordered = false
static constexpr const bool preserve_top = LB::preserve_top && UB::preserve_top
static constexpr const bool preserve_bot = true
static constexpr const bool preserve_meet = true
static constexpr const bool preserve_join = false
static constexpr const bool injective_concretization = LB::injective_concretization && UB::injective_concretization
static constexpr const bool preserve_concrete_covers = LB::preserve_concrete_covers && UB::preserve_concrete_covers
static constexpr const bool complemented = false
static constexpr const bool is_arithmetic = LB::is_arithmetic && UB::is_arithmetic
static constexpr const char * name = "Interval"


template<class A >
class Interval

Detailed Description

template<class U>
class lala::Interval< U >

An interval is a Cartesian product of a lower and upper bounds, themselves represented as lattices. One difference, is that the \( \top \) can be represented by multiple interval elements, whenever \( l > u \), therefore some operations are different than on the Cartesian product, e.g., \( [3..2] \equiv [4..1] \) in the interval lattice.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ LB

template<class U >
using lala::Interval< U >::LB = U

◆ UB

template<class U >
using lala::Interval< U >::UB = typename LB::dual_type

◆ this_type

template<class U >
using lala::Interval< U >::this_type = Interval<LB>

◆ local_type

template<class U >
using lala::Interval< U >::local_type = Interval<typename LB::local_type>

◆ value_type

template<class U >
using lala::Interval< U >::value_type = battery::tuple<typename LB::value_type, typename UB::value_type>

◆ memory_type

template<class U >
using lala::Interval< U >::memory_type = typename LB::memory_type

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Interval() [1/7]

template<class U >
lala::Interval< U >::Interval ( )

Initialize the interval to top using the default constructor of the bounds.

◆ Interval() [2/7]

template<class U >
lala::Interval< U >::Interval ( const this_type & )

◆ Interval() [3/7]

template<class U >
lala::Interval< U >::Interval ( this_type && )

◆ Interval() [4/7]

template<class U >
CUDA constexpr lala::Interval< U >::Interval ( const typename U::value_type & x)

Given a value \( x \in U \) where \( U \) is the universe of discourse, we initialize a singleton interval \( [x..x] \).

◆ Interval() [5/7]

template<class U >
CUDA constexpr lala::Interval< U >::Interval ( const LB & lb,
const UB & ub )

◆ Interval() [6/7]

template<class U >
template<class A >
CUDA constexpr lala::Interval< U >::Interval ( const Interval< A > & other)

◆ Interval() [7/7]

template<class U >
template<class A >
CUDA constexpr lala::Interval< U >::Interval ( Interval< A > && other)

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=() [1/3]

template<class U >
template<class A >
CUDA constexpr this_type & lala::Interval< U >::operator= ( const Interval< A > & other)

The assignment operator can only be used in a sequential context. It is monotone but not extensive.

◆ operator=() [2/3]

template<class U >
this_type & lala::Interval< U >::operator= ( const this_type & )

◆ operator=() [3/3]

template<class U >
this_type & lala::Interval< U >::operator= ( this_type && )

◆ eq_zero()

template<class U >
CUDA static constexpr local_type lala::Interval< U >::eq_zero ( )

Pre-interpreted formula x == 0.

◆ eq_one()

template<class U >
CUDA static constexpr local_type lala::Interval< U >::eq_one ( )

Pre-interpreted formula x == 1.

◆ bot()

template<class U >
CUDA static constexpr local_type lala::Interval< U >::bot ( )

◆ top()

template<class U >
CUDA static constexpr local_type lala::Interval< U >::top ( )

◆ is_bot()

template<class U >
CUDA constexpr local::B lala::Interval< U >::is_bot ( ) const

◆ is_top()

template<class U >
CUDA constexpr local::B lala::Interval< U >::is_top ( ) const

◆ value()

template<class U >
CUDA constexpr value_type lala::Interval< U >::value ( ) const

◆ interpret_tell()

template<class U >
template<bool diagnose = false, class F , class Env , class U2 >
CUDA static NI bool lala::Interval< U >::interpret_tell ( const F & f,
const Env & env,
Interval< U2 > & k,
IDiagnostics & diagnostics )

Support the same language than the Cartesian product, and more:

  • var x:B when the underlying universe is arithmetic and preserve concrete covers. Therefore, the element k is always in \( \gamma(lb) \cap \gamma(ub) \).

◆ interpret_ask()

template<class U >
template<bool diagnose = false, class F , class Env , class U2 >
CUDA static NI bool lala::Interval< U >::interpret_ask ( const F & f,
const Env & env,
Interval< U2 > & k,
IDiagnostics & diagnostics )

Support the same language than the Cartesian product, and more:

  • x != k is under-approximated by interpreting x != k in the lower bound.
  • x == k is interpreted by over-approximating x == k in both bounds and then verifying both bounds are the same.
  • x in {[l..u]} is interpreted by under-approximatingx >= landx <= u`.

◆ interpret()

template<class U >
template<IKind kind, bool diagnose = false, class F , class Env , class U2 >
CUDA static NI bool lala::Interval< U >::interpret ( const F & f,
const Env & env,
Interval< U2 > & k,
IDiagnostics & diagnostics )

◆ lb() [1/2]

template<class U >
CUDA INLINE constexpr LB & lala::Interval< U >::lb ( )

You must use the lattice interface (join/meet methods) to modify the lower and upper bounds, if you use assignment you violate the PCCP model.

◆ ub() [1/2]

template<class U >
CUDA INLINE constexpr UB & lala::Interval< U >::ub ( )

◆ lb() [2/2]

template<class U >
CUDA INLINE constexpr const LB & lala::Interval< U >::lb ( ) const

◆ ub() [2/2]

template<class U >
CUDA INLINE constexpr const UB & lala::Interval< U >::ub ( ) const

◆ join_top()

template<class U >
CUDA constexpr void lala::Interval< U >::join_top ( )

◆ join_lb()

template<class U >
template<class A >
CUDA constexpr bool lala::Interval< U >::join_lb ( const A & lb)

◆ join_ub()

template<class U >
template<class A >
CUDA constexpr bool lala::Interval< U >::join_ub ( const A & ub)

◆ join()

template<class U >
template<class A >
CUDA constexpr bool lala::Interval< U >::join ( const Interval< A > & other)

◆ meet_bot()

template<class U >
CUDA constexpr void lala::Interval< U >::meet_bot ( )

◆ meet_lb()

template<class U >
template<class A >
CUDA constexpr bool lala::Interval< U >::meet_lb ( const A & lb)

◆ meet_ub()

template<class U >
template<class A >
CUDA constexpr bool lala::Interval< U >::meet_ub ( const A & ub)

◆ meet()

template<class U >
template<class A >
CUDA constexpr bool lala::Interval< U >::meet ( const Interval< A > & other)

◆ extract()

template<class U >
template<class A >
CUDA constexpr bool lala::Interval< U >::extract ( Interval< A > & ua) const

◆ deinterpret() [1/2]

template<class U >
template<class Env , class Allocator = typename Env::allocator_type>
CUDA TFormula< Allocator > lala::Interval< U >::deinterpret ( AVar x,
const Env & env,
const Allocator & allocator = Allocator() ) const

◆ deinterpret() [2/2]

template<class U >
template<class F >
CUDA NI F lala::Interval< U >::deinterpret ( ) const

Deinterpret the current value to a logical constant. The lower bound is deinterpreted, and it is up to the user to check that interval is a singleton. A special case is made for real numbers where the both bounds are used, since the logical interpretation uses interval.

◆ print()

template<class U >
CUDA NI void lala::Interval< U >::print ( ) const

◆ additive_inverse()

template<class U >
CUDA constexpr void lala::Interval< U >::additive_inverse ( const this_type & x)

The additive inverse is obtained by pairwise negation of the components. Equivalent to neg(reverse(x)). Note that the inverse of bot is bot, simply because bot has no mathematical inverse.

◆ reverse()

template<class U >
template<class L >
CUDA static constexpr local_type lala::Interval< U >::reverse ( const Interval< L > & x)

◆ neg()

template<class U >
CUDA constexpr void lala::Interval< U >::neg ( const local_type & x)

◆ abs()

template<class U >
CUDA constexpr void lala::Interval< U >::abs ( const local_type & x)

◆ project() [1/2]

template<class U >
CUDA constexpr void lala::Interval< U >::project ( Sig fun,
const local_type & x )

◆ add()

template<class U >
CUDA constexpr void lala::Interval< U >::add ( const local_type & x,
const local_type & y )

◆ sub()

template<class U >
CUDA constexpr void lala::Interval< U >::sub ( const local_type & x,
const local_type & y )

◆ mul()

template<class U >
CUDA constexpr void lala::Interval< U >::mul ( const local_type & a,
const local_type & b )

◆ div()

template<class U >
CUDA constexpr void lala::Interval< U >::div ( Sig divfun,
const local_type & a,
const local_type & b )

◆ mod()

template<class U >
CUDA constexpr void lala::Interval< U >::mod ( Sig modfun,
const local_type & a,
const local_type & b )

◆ pow()

template<class U >
CUDA constexpr void lala::Interval< U >::pow ( const local_type & a,
const local_type & b )

◆ is_trivial_fun()

template<class U >
static CUDA constexpr bool lala::Interval< U >::is_trivial_fun ( Sig fun)

◆ project() [2/2]

template<class U >
CUDA constexpr void lala::Interval< U >::project ( Sig fun,
const local_type & x,
const local_type & y )

◆ width()

template<class U >
CUDA constexpr local_type lala::Interval< U >::width ( ) const

◆ median()

template<class U >
CUDA constexpr local_type lala::Interval< U >::median ( ) const
The median value of the interval, which is computed by lb() + ((ub() - lb()) / 2).

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ Interval

template<class U >
template<class A >
friend class Interval

Member Data Documentation

◆ is_abstract_universe

template<class U >
const bool lala::Interval< U >::is_abstract_universe = true

◆ sequential

template<class U >
const bool lala::Interval< U >::sequential = LB::sequential

◆ is_totally_ordered

template<class U >
const bool lala::Interval< U >::is_totally_ordered = false

◆ preserve_top

template<class U >
const bool lala::Interval< U >::preserve_top = LB::preserve_top && UB::preserve_top

◆ preserve_bot

template<class U >
const bool lala::Interval< U >::preserve_bot = true

◆ preserve_meet

template<class U >
const bool lala::Interval< U >::preserve_meet = true

◆ preserve_join

template<class U >
const bool lala::Interval< U >::preserve_join = false

◆ injective_concretization

template<class U >
const bool lala::Interval< U >::injective_concretization = LB::injective_concretization && UB::injective_concretization

◆ preserve_concrete_covers

template<class U >
const bool lala::Interval< U >::preserve_concrete_covers = LB::preserve_concrete_covers && UB::preserve_concrete_covers

◆ complemented

template<class U >
const bool lala::Interval< U >::complemented = false

◆ is_arithmetic

template<class U >
const bool lala::Interval< U >::is_arithmetic = LB::is_arithmetic && UB::is_arithmetic

◆ name

template<class U >
const char* lala::Interval< U >::name = "Interval"

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