Lattice Land Core Library
lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T > Class Template Reference

#include <nbitset.hpp>

Public Types

using memory_type = Mem
using bitset_type = battery::bitset< N, Mem, T >
using this_type = NBitset< N, Mem, T >
template<class M >
using this_type2 = NBitset< N, M, T >
using local_type = this_type2< battery::local_memory >
using LB = local::ZLB
using UB = local::ZUB
using value_type = typename LB::value_type

Public Member Functions

constexpr CUDA NBitset ()
constexpr CUDA NBitset (const this_type &other)
constexpr NBitset (this_type &&)=default
constexpr CUDA NBitset (value_type x)
constexpr CUDA NBitset (value_type lb, value_type ub)
template<class M >
constexpr CUDA NBitset (const this_type2< M > &other)
template<class M >
constexpr CUDA NBitset (this_type2< M > &&other)
template<class M >
constexpr CUDA NBitset (const battery::bitset< N, M, T > &bits)
template<class M >
constexpr CUDA this_typeoperator= (const this_type2< M > &other)
constexpr CUDA this_typeoperator= (const this_type &other)
constexpr CUDA local::B is_top () const
constexpr CUDA local::B is_bot () const
constexpr CUDA const bitset_typevalue () const
constexpr CUDA LB lb () const
constexpr CUDA UB ub () const
constexpr CUDA local_type complement () const
constexpr CUDA void join_top ()
template<class A >
constexpr CUDA bool join_lb (const A &lb)
template<class A >
constexpr CUDA bool join_ub (const A &ub)
template<class M >
constexpr CUDA bool join (const this_type2< M > &other)
constexpr CUDA void meet_bot ()
template<class A >
constexpr CUDA bool meet_lb (const A &lb)
template<class A >
constexpr CUDA bool meet_ub (const A &ub)
template<class M >
constexpr CUDA bool meet (const this_type2< M > &other)
template<class M >
constexpr CUDA bool extract (this_type2< M > &ua) const
template<class Env , class Allocator = typename Env::allocator_type>
CUDA TFormula< Allocator > deinterpret (AVar x, const Env &env, const Allocator &allocator=Allocator()) const
template<class F >
CUDA NI F deinterpret () const
CUDA NI void print () const
constexpr CUDA void neg (const local_type &x)
constexpr CUDA void abs (const local_type &x)
constexpr CUDA void project (Sig fun, const local_type &x)
constexpr CUDA void additive_inverse (const local_type &x)
constexpr CUDA void project (Sig fun, const local_type &x, const local_type &y)
constexpr CUDA local_type width () const
constexpr CUDA local_type median () const

Static Public Member Functions

constexpr static CUDA this_type from_set (const battery::vector< int > &values)
constexpr static CUDA local_type eq_zero ()
constexpr static CUDA local_type eq_one ()
constexpr static CUDA local_type bot ()
constexpr static CUDA local_type top ()
template<bool diagnose = false, class F , class Env , class M >
CUDA static NI bool interpret_tell (const F &f, const Env &env, this_type2< M > &tell, IDiagnostics &diagnostics)
template<bool diagnose = false, class F , class Env , class M >
CUDA static NI bool interpret_ask (const F &f, const Env &env, this_type2< M > &k, IDiagnostics &diagnostics)
template<IKind kind, bool diagnose = false, class F , class Env , class M >
CUDA static NI bool interpret (const F &f, const Env &env, this_type2< M > &k, IDiagnostics &diagnostics)
CUDA constexpr static NI bool is_trivial_fun (Sig sig)

Static Public Attributes

constexpr static const bool is_abstract_universe = true
constexpr static const bool sequential = Mem::sequential
constexpr static const bool is_totally_ordered = false
constexpr static const bool preserve_bot = true
constexpr static const bool preserve_top = true
constexpr static const bool preserve_join = true
constexpr static const bool preserve_meet = true
constexpr static const bool injective_concretization = true
constexpr static const bool preserve_concrete_covers = false
constexpr static const bool complemented = true
constexpr static const bool is_arithmetic = true
constexpr static const char * name = "NBitset"


template<size_t N2, class Mem2 , class T2 >
class NBitset

Detailed Description

template<size_t N, class Mem, class T = unsigned long long>
class lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >

This class represents a set of integer values with a fixed-size bitset. In order to have well-defined arithmetic operations preserving bottom and top elements, the first and last bits (written L and R below) of the bitset are reserved. The meaning of L is to include all negative integers and the meaning of R is to include all integers greater than the size of the bitset. Given a bitset \( Lb_0b_1...b_nR \) of size n + 3, the concretization function is given as follows: \( \gamma(Lb_0b_1...b_nR) = \{ i \in \mathbb{Z} \mid 0 \leq i \leq n \land b_i = 1 \} \cup \{ i \in \mathbb{Z} \;|\; i < 0 \land L = 1 \} \cup \{ i \in \mathbb{Z} \;|\; i > n \land R = 1 \} \)

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ memory_type

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
using lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::memory_type = Mem

◆ bitset_type

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
using lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::bitset_type = battery::bitset<N, Mem, T>

◆ this_type

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
using lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::this_type = NBitset<N, Mem, T>

◆ this_type2

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
template<class M >
using lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::this_type2 = NBitset<N, M, T>

◆ local_type

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
using lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::local_type = this_type2<battery::local_memory>

◆ LB

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
using lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::LB = local::ZLB

◆ UB

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
using lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::UB = local::ZUB

◆ value_type

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
using lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::value_type = typename LB::value_type

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NBitset() [1/8]

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr CUDA lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::NBitset ( )

Initialize to top (all bits at 1).

◆ NBitset() [2/8]

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr CUDA lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::NBitset ( const this_type other)

◆ NBitset() [3/8]

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::NBitset ( this_type &&  )

◆ NBitset() [4/8]

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr CUDA lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::NBitset ( value_type  x)

Given a value \( x \in U \) where \( U \) is the universe of discourse, we initialize a singleton bitset \( 0_0..1_{x+1}...0_n \).

◆ NBitset() [5/8]

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr CUDA lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::NBitset ( value_type  lb,
value_type  ub 

◆ NBitset() [6/8]

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
template<class M >
constexpr CUDA lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::NBitset ( const this_type2< M > &  other)

◆ NBitset() [7/8]

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
template<class M >
constexpr CUDA lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::NBitset ( this_type2< M > &&  other)

◆ NBitset() [8/8]

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
template<class M >
constexpr CUDA lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::NBitset ( const battery::bitset< N, M, T > &  bits)

Member Function Documentation

◆ from_set()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr static CUDA this_type lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::from_set ( const battery::vector< int > &  values)

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
template<class M >
constexpr CUDA this_type& lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::operator= ( const this_type2< M > &  other)

The assignment operator can only be used in a sequential context. It is monotone but not extensive.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr CUDA this_type& lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::operator= ( const this_type other)

◆ eq_zero()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr static CUDA local_type lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::eq_zero ( )

Pre-interpreted formula x == 0.

◆ eq_one()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr static CUDA local_type lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::eq_one ( )

Pre-interpreted formula x == 1.

◆ bot()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr static CUDA local_type lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::bot ( )

◆ top()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr static CUDA local_type lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::top ( )

◆ is_top()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr CUDA local::B lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::is_top ( ) const

◆ is_bot()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr CUDA local::B lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::is_bot ( ) const

◆ value()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr CUDA const bitset_type& lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::value ( ) const

◆ interpret_tell()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
template<bool diagnose = false, class F , class Env , class M >
CUDA static NI bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::interpret_tell ( const F &  f,
const Env &  env,
this_type2< M > &  tell,
IDiagnostics diagnostics 

Support the following language where all constants k are integer or Boolean values:

  • var x:Z
  • var x:B
  • x <op> k where k is an integer constant and <op> in {==, !=, <, <=, >, >=}.
  • x in S where S is a set of integers. It can be over-approximated if the element k falls out of the bitset.

◆ interpret_ask()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
template<bool diagnose = false, class F , class Env , class M >
CUDA static NI bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::interpret_ask ( const F &  f,
const Env &  env,
this_type2< M > &  k,
IDiagnostics diagnostics 

Support the same language than the "tell language" without existential.

◆ interpret()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
template<IKind kind, bool diagnose = false, class F , class Env , class M >
CUDA static NI bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::interpret ( const F &  f,
const Env &  env,
this_type2< M > &  k,
IDiagnostics diagnostics 

◆ lb()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr CUDA LB lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::lb ( ) const

◆ ub()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr CUDA UB lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::ub ( ) const

◆ complement()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr CUDA local_type lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::complement ( ) const

◆ join_top()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr CUDA void lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::join_top ( )

◆ join_lb()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
template<class A >
constexpr CUDA bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::join_lb ( const A &  lb)

◆ join_ub()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
template<class A >
constexpr CUDA bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::join_ub ( const A &  ub)

◆ join()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
template<class M >
constexpr CUDA bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::join ( const this_type2< M > &  other)

◆ meet_bot()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr CUDA void lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::meet_bot ( )

◆ meet_lb()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
template<class A >
constexpr CUDA bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::meet_lb ( const A &  lb)

◆ meet_ub()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
template<class A >
constexpr CUDA bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::meet_ub ( const A &  ub)

◆ meet()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
template<class M >
constexpr CUDA bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::meet ( const this_type2< M > &  other)

◆ extract()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
template<class M >
constexpr CUDA bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::extract ( this_type2< M > &  ua) const

◆ deinterpret() [1/2]

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
template<class Env , class Allocator = typename Env::allocator_type>
CUDA TFormula<Allocator> lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::deinterpret ( AVar  x,
const Env &  env,
const Allocator &  allocator = Allocator() 
) const

◆ deinterpret() [2/2]

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
template<class F >
CUDA NI F lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::deinterpret ( ) const

Deinterpret the current value to a logical constant. The lower bound is deinterpreted, and it is up to the user to check that interval is a singleton.

◆ print()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
CUDA NI void lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::print ( ) const

◆ is_trivial_fun()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
CUDA constexpr static NI bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::is_trivial_fun ( Sig  sig)

◆ neg()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr CUDA void lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::neg ( const local_type x)

◆ abs()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr CUDA void lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::abs ( const local_type x)

◆ project() [1/2]

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr CUDA void lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::project ( Sig  fun,
const local_type x 

◆ additive_inverse()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr CUDA void lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::additive_inverse ( const local_type x)

◆ project() [2/2]

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr CUDA void lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::project ( Sig  fun,
const local_type x,
const local_type y 

◆ width()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr CUDA local_type lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::width ( ) const

◆ median()

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr CUDA local_type lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::median ( ) const
The median value of the bitset.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ NBitset

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
template<size_t N2, class Mem2 , class T2 >
friend class NBitset

Member Data Documentation

◆ is_abstract_universe

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr static const bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::is_abstract_universe = true

◆ sequential

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr static const bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::sequential = Mem::sequential

◆ is_totally_ordered

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr static const bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::is_totally_ordered = false

◆ preserve_bot

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr static const bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::preserve_bot = true

◆ preserve_top

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr static const bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::preserve_top = true

◆ preserve_join

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr static const bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::preserve_join = true

◆ preserve_meet

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr static const bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::preserve_meet = true

◆ injective_concretization

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr static const bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::injective_concretization = true

◆ preserve_concrete_covers

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr static const bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::preserve_concrete_covers = false

◆ complemented

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr static const bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::complemented = true

◆ is_arithmetic

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr static const bool lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::is_arithmetic = true

◆ name

template<size_t N, class Mem , class T = unsigned long long>
constexpr static const char* lala::NBitset< N, Mem, T >::name = "NBitset"

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